Dne 23.06.2019 potekajo naslednji dogodki:
- Südwest Messe-Trade Show for Private and Commercial Equipment, Consumer Goods, Handicraft and Agriculture - Including Special Sector House Building with Show Park for Housing 15.06.2019 23.06.2019
- demopark 2019 + Sonderschau Rasen mit Golf- und Sportrasen-International Exhibition with Machinery Demonstration for Professional Operation in Landscaping, Municipalities, Sport Facilities, Parks, Lawn Maintenance and Golf Courses + Golf and Turf Show 23.06.2019 25.06.2019
- ReMaTec-International Trade Fair for Remanufacturing (Automotive, Agriculture, Marine, Heavy Duty, Industrial Engines / Parts) 23.06.2019 25.06.2019