IRT 3000



IRT3000Adria 45/2018

Market Adam Smith wasn't right. Or the ones who view Croatia as a separate market, and not as part of the European Union market aren't right. The shortage of workers, that affects virtually every company in the metal, plastic and rubber processing industry, shows that politicians did not think about the fact that, by joining the EU, Croatia will put on the European market goods called labour...  Uvodnik_45.pdf

IRT3000Adria 44/2018

What is the similarity between making film and shipbuilding? The question is not at all humorous - we are asking it at the time of the workers strike of the shipyards 3rd May and Uljanik because of the non-payment of two salaries, of which one of them is paid out with the state money. Those 50 million state kunas are just a drop in the sea of more than 30 billion kunas the state has since 1992 provided for the recovery of domestic shipyards. Uvodnik_44.pdf

IRT3000Adria 43/2018

At the very end of finalizing this issue, FINA has just awarded the Golden Balance Awards, and the macroeconomic data from that award are very significant. Namely, in total revenues among Croatian companies last year, the leaders were retail and wholesale trade shops, accounting for a total of 25% of all corporate income in 2017. Energy companies (including those selling fuel and gas) followed with 18%, then banks and other financiers, and behind them dealers and repairers of vehicles, telecoms and post offices, construction, traffic, tourism... Uvodnik_43.pdf

IRT3000Adria 42/2018

Hrvatska je doživjela hladni tuš iz Bruxellesa – Europska komisija u analizi ekonomskog i socijalnog stanja članica EU navela je da je Hrvatska ostvarila ograničen napredak u provedbi prošlogodišnjih preporuka Komisije, ali strukturne reforme nisu napredovale. Uvodnik 42.pdf

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