IRT 3000



IRT3000Adria 49/2019

In Business Expectations, the traditional annual survey of the Economic Gazette, entrepreneurs gave the general state of the domestic economy in 2019 a rating of 2.48 (ranging from 1 to 5). In 2020, most expect a stagnation or even a decline in GDP, and they look similarly to the business climate in the country.  Editorial.pdf

IRT3000Adria 48/2019

From April to June the German gross national product fell by 0.1 percent compared to the previous quarter, so there is a possibility that Europe's strongest economy goes into recession. It is similar in Italy. Since these countries are important importers of Croatian goods and services, the crisis there would reach us immediately.

IRT3000Adria 47/2019

Can the Filipinos save the Croatian metalworking industry and the plastics and rubber industry? Croatian entrepreneurs started to import workers from the Philippines into tourism, and if they are already not doing it, they will soon be bringing workers from that distant country into construction. Engineers and workers from the neighbouring countries have already gone to Western Europe. Filipino workers are imported through their state agencies in a similar way that Croatian workers went to work to Germany forty and fifty years ago, with a contract guaranteeing that they will return to their state

IRT3000Adria 46/2019

Various futurists have been afraid for years that most of today´s professions will disappear because they will be replaced by robots. Just as they scared people 30 or 40 years ago that their profession would disappear because it would be replaced by computers. Uvodnik 46.pdf

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