IRT 3000


Technical literature

Weldability of metallic materials (Part 1)

The book studies the behavior of materials during welding and the properties of the welded joints after welding.


Varjenje in sorodne tehnike spajanja materialov v neločljivo zvezo

Varjenje in sorodne tehnike spajanja materialov so izdelovalne tehnologije, pri katerih z energijo v trajno, trdno in neločljivo zvezo povežemo dva ali več kovinskih ali nekovinskih elementov. V knjigi je podrobneje obravnavano spajanje kovinskih materialov in delno tudi spajanje termoplastov.



Bionika je osupljiva in vznemirljiva veda, ki skuša rešiti tehnične probleme in izzive z izkoriščanjem znanja narave in biologije. Bionika, znana tudi kot biomimikrija, biomimetika, se ukvarja s prenosom pojavov iz narave v tehnologi-jo.


Mala šola mazanja

Kot lahko pričakujemo glede na naslov Mala šola mazanja, so v knjigi zajete osnove s področja maziv in njihove uporabe, se pravi mazanja. Primerna je za vse, ki še nimajo znanja na tem področju, pa tudi za tiste, ki se s tem področjem ukvarjajo že dlje časa. To so še posebno vzdrževalci, tehnologi, nabavni referen-ti, lastniki manjših podjetij, pa tudi učitelji, učenci, dijaki in študenti.


The Art of Injection Moulding

This excellent manual deals with the processing of thermoplastic materials and draws from practical experience to help you avoid problems and faults in injection moulding.


B1: Applied Metal Cutting Physics – Best Practice (Slovenian translation)

The book is a practical guide about “what to do” and “how to work” in order to make the metal cutting processes more reliable, productive and profitable.


B2: Tool deterioration - practical models (Slovenian translation)

Most issues during metal cutting are related to tool wear and deterioration. This book focuses on tool deterioration and provides practical solution for the related issues. This is the book for best productivity in your workshop.


B3: Metal cutting - theories in practice (Slovenian translation)

The third book in the metal cutting series focuses on the practical aspects. It was written for the users in the modern workshops (especially for the aeronautical and energy industries).


SECOTOOLS book collection (in Slovene/Croatian) - 2 books

For ordering two books from our SECOTOOLS collection, you will be granted a 10% discount.



SECOTOOLS book collection (in Slovene/Croatian) - 3 books

For ordering the whole SECOTOOLS book collection (3 books), you will be granted a 15% discount.



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