IRT 3000



IRT3000 95-96/2019

Letos ekipi revije IRT3000 in podjetja Mediade nadaljujeta lani zasnovan projekt Inženirka leta. Tudi tokrat smo izmed številnih kandidatk izbrali deset finalistk, ki se bodo za naziv Inženirka leta potegovale kmalu po novem letu. Kako komentiram »drugo generacijo« inženirk, vprašate? Navdušen sem. Uvodnik

IRT3000 94/2019

Is more technology a solution? An increasing number of companies are turning to (new) technologies in searching of additional or competitive advantages. But can technology save something more than companies, for example the great issues of mankind?
Have you ever ask yourself if modern technology can eliminate famine in the world? Do you even know, how many people are hungry and malnourished? 11 percent of world population or in other words more than 800 million people. Editorial IRT3000 94.pdf

IRT3000 93/2019

What bring digitalization and digital transformation to the industry and business? Do we need to be afraid? Probably not. But it is true, that most people know them just superficially and this is the reason that they need to be enlighten. Editorial 93 IRT3000.pdf

IRT3000 91-92/2019

Monozukuri A word that means very little to an average person, actually nothing. What is monozukuri? It is a Japanese word meaning manufacturing or parts production, but it is much more.
Monozukuri is a kind of Japanese art of manufacturing. Wider meaning of this word covers a combination of technological skills, knowledge and experiences, as well the spirit of the best Japanese manufacturing practices. It is all about an honest attitude toward manufacturing, work with pride, skills and devotion to innovations and perfection. Uvodnik IRT3000 91_92.pdf

IRT3000 90/2019

Trade or technology war? Since Trump become president, the United States decreased the level of cooperation with other close and distant countries. Harsh protectionist actions, which by the opinion of affected countries go too far and compromise the conditions of markets. However, experts warn, that the trade war is just a shadow for the technology war that happens in the backstage. Introduction IRT3000 90.pdf

IRT3000 89/2019

The crisis? What? What crisis? The crisis is a dangerous word. Do not believe it? If you repeat it for a long time, it will sneak into the subconscious of those who listen to you, as well as yourself. That is why I think the behavior of many media, as well as directors and other people in any influential position, is extremely irresponsible. It is true that life, business, weather, cryptools and many other things work in cycles. Once up, second time down. Unfortunately, we are currently "tuned" by responding primarily to negative or shocking news - and that's why many bombastic

IRT3000 88/2019

The region of Kočevje is well known for its magnificent forests and many bears. Well, since this year also for robots. That sort of robots who manufacture other robots. You probably did not know, but the Municipality of Kočevje is the largest municipality in the Republic of Slovenia, covering the area of overwhelming 555.4 square kilometres. It has 86 settlements with approximately 16,000 inhabitants. Kočevje region is therefore quite sparsely populated, as 90 percent of the landscape is covered by forests, dominated by dinar forests of fir and beech. And real old-growth forest. Uvodnik-88.pdf

IRT3000 87/2019

Do you also feel that this year, at every step, you listen to and read about artificial intelligence? 
I have it. It's exactly what I felt in 2017 when they spoke and written about crypto, when they bombed me with crypto info from all sides, and for the most abused word of last year, I would choose a word blockchain. Introduction-87.pdf

IRT3000 86/2019

Are you ready for servitization? After digital transformation and industry 4.0, manufacturing companies are confronted with a new high-definition word - servitization. This, like others, predicts a significant revolution. Can it happen? In the past, the link between manufacturers and services was extremely black and white. Manufacturers produced a wide variety of products, while service companies offered services. But times are changing. Boundaries continue to erase, and so are classical manufacturing companies before the new transformation, which is driven by the trend of servitization.

IRT3000 85/2019

We have it! Engineer of the year.

I am proud of the "first generation" of engineers of the year, to all the girls who applied for this selection. I believe that a stone began to roll, which will trigger the avalanche. The avalanche, which the industry still needs. This January will certainly be remembered by the domestic industry, which I am sure of. At the first choice for an engineer of the year - which is also unique on a world scale - the CD club in Cankarjev dom was too small for all visitors of the event, so many people watched an event from all possible positions.

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